As I write this post, it is a beautiful clear sky wintery day in Sydney. Such a contrast to last week when the weather was grey, windy and wet, wet, wet. It was difficult to drag myself out of bed to prepare for work and school. And that grey, gloomy and wet weather went on for days... nearly 4. It was enough to make anyone go 'cuckoo', especially those with children who were stuck at home, children returning to school after the winter holidays. It was a pain to get to work, using the trains. It was wet and slippery everywhere and people were poking each other with their umbrellas. For the 4 days of rain, I felt unmotivated and a lack of energy. All I wanted to do was to curl up with a good book, in front of the fire or warm heater and read. Basically do nothing. Here in Sydney, we tend to get rain for a few days in a row. Unlike Malaysia, where there is a tropical shower to cool the air and clear the humidity. I could not do the laundry as I try to avoid using the clothes dryer for environmental reasons, saving energy and also the harm the extreme heat can do to the clothes.
Today, with the bright sunshine, I have washed two loads of laundry. I am HAPPY! I love the smell of clean, sun-dried clothes. My mood is lifted, and I am motivated to get things done. What do I have plan? I have my eldest at home today, she has been unwell with the flu and her asthma has flared up. I have to finish off some work at home. I have plans to make a pumpkin soup for lunch and maybe bake some chocolate muffins for tomorrow's school lunch.
Yes, the weather does somehow make an impact on moods, motivation and inclination. Haha, the best way is to get moving. Women can get going with the fashion statements they can make in cold weather. Everyone feels better by hitting the gym. I also agree that cooking up a dish also warms the heart.