
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mums - Let's Stick Together and Support Each Other

A girlfriend share this post by Dr Carolyn Nee on Facebook yesterday - "A Letter from a Working Mother to a Stay at Home Mother and Vice Versa" .

It is a well-written post acknowledging the hard work of both mums who stay at home and those who work. Neither role has less value than the other. In fact, both roles are equally important. I am tired of these constant debate in the media about whose role is better, and the on-going thrashing by both parties turning on each other.

For me, it's all about personal choices and what suits your family. I strongly believe that if Mum is happy, then the family or household is happy. That's definitely the case in my family.

I understand that sometimes, women don't have a choice and need to work for financial reasons. And that's OK too. As women, we need to support each other regardless of the role we play. No one truly knows the true circumstance of each family, so we shouldn't be quick to judge. Instead of being bitchy, envious and turning on each other, let's support all Mums as they carry on their role.

Stop the mummy bashing!!

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